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Sound Design​
│Protools 12.8│Ableton Live 9│Logic Pro X│Audition CS6│QLab 4│Sound Design│Live Mixing│
She Kills Monsters​
| Prologue
The beginning of the show opens with the prologue, foreshadowing the adventurous plot as well as introducing the lead characters. Within four short minutes, four different sequences of SFX are showcased. Find the individual SFX linked below, or watch the whole scene linked on the left.
Kobald Fight
Car Crash
She Kills Monsters : Prologue, Hamline University Theatre
Video Courtesy Hamline University Theatre Media Lab
Stereo Destruction
| Orcus, Lord of the Underworld
Agnes and Tilly encounter the keeper of the lost souls in his underground, wet, menacing, ridden with death cave. Nevertheless, it was not what they had expected in the least. Find the individual soundscape linked below, or watch the whole scene linked on the left.
Orcus's Cave
She Kills Monsters : Orcus, Lord of the Underworld, Hamline University Theatre
Video Courtesy Hamline University Theatre Media Lab
| Boss #2, Miles the Gelatinous Cube
The party stumbles upon a big, cube-shaped, gelatinous cube. Unedible and deadly, Agnes must fight the jello mold in order to move on in the quest. Find the individual soundscape linked below, or watch the whole scene linked on the left.
Gelatinous Cube Soundscape
She Kills Monsters : Boss #2, Miles the Gelatinous Cube, Hamline University Theatre
Video Courtesy Hamline University Theatre Media Lab
Under Construction: A Dance Showcase
| Reminds Me Of
The choreographer's concept originated from the pressure building up before you scream, and what happens when you can't let it out. Find the individual soundscape linked below, or watch the whole dance linked on the left.
Reminds Me Of Soundscape
Under Construction: Reminds Me Of,
Hamline University Theatre & Dance
Video Courtesy Hamline University Theatre Media Lab
Digital Audio Final Project
| Liberty and Justice
What gives our words their validity? Is it the words themselves, or the people that say them? Do the identities we hold hinder or advance the points we attempt to make? Find the project linked on the left.
Liberty & Justice
Photos/Video by Sophie Warrick
To see more or discuss possible work, click here to contact.
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