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The following are internships that I have completed during my time at Hamline. They focus on a variety of issues including healthcare, reproductive justice, public art and afforadable housing.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Generation Action Intern August 2020 - May 2021

My fellow interns and I textbanking for the 2020 election.

The promotional graphic for a panel that we held discussing reproductive justice and the 2020 election.

The promotional graphic for our petition to begin offering affordable and accessible emergency contraception on Hamline's campus.
Being a Generation Action intern at Planned Parenthood Action Fund means that I have a few different responsibilities both on my college campus and off. Prior to the election, all Generation Action interns located in Minnesota participated in state-wide legislative advocacy to protect and fight for reproductive freedom in MN. We texted and called over 200 people weekly to reach our organizational goals -- all remotely over Zoom!
Being a Generation Action intern also means that I am the President of Hamline Students for Reproductive Justice. We run programs and events to increase access and awareness of reproductive issues facing young people. We are currently in the process of a campus wide campaign to make emergency contraception at Hamline more accessible and affordable.
We have also partnered with Hamline's Women's Resource Center and Hamline University's Programming Board to send out care packages that include sexual, menstrual and mental health products as well as small items made by local queer and trans artists. In the end, we sent over 100 free care packages to Hamline students.
JustUs Health & ShiftMN
Intern Oct 2019 - August 2020

A photo from my disposable camera that we used to complete our six week PhotoVoice project.

The cover of our cohort's Zine about Queerness titled Shifting Perspectives.
The mural we created that highlights black trans women in Saint Anthony Park in Saint Paul, MN.
For nine months I was able to intern with JustUs Health and ShiftMN, a collaboration that offered an incredible internship experience focused on queer health and an anti-tobacco curriculum. In nine months we completed several different projects including a mural that showcased black trans women, a zine all about queerness, and a six week photo-voice project hosted by Nancy Musinguzi that shifted to Instagram after COVID-19 changed our original idea of hosting a gallery show at Family Tree Clinic.
This internship was life changing for me, as we were able to participate in discussions that focused on health, identity, power and privilege. We also were able to engage in peer education around LGBTQ+ health and corporate tobacco targeting, as well as organize community exhibitions of queer art.​
Project for Pride in Living
Digital Communications Intern, June 2019 - August 2019

My supervisor Marni and I after attending a social media workshop focused on Instagram.
A photo of me at The Coven Minneapolis after attending a social media workshop.
My fellow Digital Communications intern Roy and I with Paul Williams, CEO of PPL.
The summer before my junior year of college I got the amazing opportunity to work as the Digital Communications Intern for Project for Pride in Living. During my internship, I was able to create compelling and on-brand visuals to provide a new style of storytelling for the organization. I assisted in tracking digital communication analytics which included social, website, and general media coverage. I worked closely with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Department on several different events and promotional works.
My biggest accomplishment within my internship was piloting the Project for Pride in Living Instagram, which is growing more and more in popularity every day. I was able to generate three months worth of content to be published after my internship was over to create longevity and the ability to get
a head-start on more content after I left. ​
Forecast Public Art
HECUA Intern, Jan 2019 - May 2019

Slide from my presentation on Forecast Public Art after my informational interviews with several staff members.
In 2019, I studied away in Saint Paul and Minneapolis with a program called HECUA, and I studied with the Art for Social Change Program. With our program came an internship as well as an internship seminar. After interviewing with multiple different organizations, I chose to work with Forecast Public Art, an organization "that activates, inspires, and advocates for public art that advances justice, health and human dignity". I had the opportunity to learn about a groundbreaking Arts and Advocacy organization, as well as learn more about Public Art.

One of my favorite parts of my internship was when Seitu Jones came to talk to our class. He came to talk about his art the same day that I got to present the work that my internship does, so I chose to present a profile on Seitu himself. While I was nervous to talk about someone's life work while they were in the room, it provided an incredible opportunity to meet with such a influential artist like Seitu.
Seitu Jones and I after he spoke with our class.
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