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The following courses are what make up my Social Justice major.
My concentration is in Art for Social Change, with an emphasis in storytelling.
I have also included my courses for my Music double major,
and my double minors in Nonprofit Management and Digital Media Arts.
|Social Justice Requirements
SOCJ 1100: Introduction to Issues in Social Justice
WSTD 3500: Topics in Women's & Gender Studies:
Engendering Justice
HIST 3960: Topics in Comparative History: Environmental History
CFST 3300: The Role of Conflict in Social Change
ENG 1270: African-American Literatures
COMM 1650: Argumentation and Advocacy
SOCJ 5900: Social Justice Capstone
|Art for Social Change Concentration
SOCJ 3990: Social Justice Internship
HECU 3100: Arts Praxis
HECU 3100: Arts and Social Change
HECU 3900: HECUA Internship
HECU 3900: HECU Internship Seminar
|Music Requirements
MUS 1210: Beginning Class Piano
MUS 3220: Advanced Class Piano
MUS 3510: Performance Studies Piano
MUS 3600: Performance Studies Violin
MUS 3160: Orchestra
MUS 3170: Chamber Music
MUS 1030: Music in World Cultures
MUS 3350: Music History I
MUS 3360: Topics in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Music
MUS 3410: Theory of Music I: The Language of Music
MUS 5930: Music Senior Capstone Project
|Digital Media Arts Requirements
DMA 1100: Introduction to Digital Media Arts
DMA 1120: Fundamentals of Design
DMA 1410: Digital Photography I
DMA 3410: Digital Photography II
DMA 1480: Introduction to Digital Audio
DMA 3480 Advanced Digital Audio
|Nonprofit Managment Requirements
NPFT 1010: Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector
NPFT 3000: Civic Engagement and Volunteer Management
NPFT 3010: Nonprofit Governance, Finance, and Law
NPFT 3020: Development and Fundraising
NPFT 3960: Internship with Seminar
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